Manufacturer visit
Hi guys and girls,
Just got back from visiting our manufacturer in China and all is looking great! We had to make some small adjustments with tolerances, but other than that, we are very happy with the quality of the samples coming off the tooling seen below.
I will be sending out surveys to get all the info that we require (delivery address, etc.) soon. Please look out for this arriving in your inbox in the next couple of weeks.
Below are a few of the unfinished samples. These samples were just for testing the tolerances, they still need to be properly finished.
During my visit I toured the whole manufacturing facility, seeing every process from start to finish, but unfortunately I wasn't allowed to take any video, as some of the processes to get the very high tolerances with titanium are tightly guarded by our manufacturer. Below are some images of the facility and some of the less protected machinery. The first image is of the tooling workshop. The last image is of the brand new presses that have just been installed that the Splitters' production run will be done on.

Full production will begin straight after the Chinese New Year break. A few days after production begins we should start to have a pretty good idea of the time scale to expect. I will then give you a more accurate date when we expect the manufacturing run to be finished by. The packaging and pouches are still being sampled but should also be with us shortly (below is a mockup of the packaging - less artwork).
Be in touch again soon.