Hi Guys and Girls,

We have had a few ups and downs with our manufacturers of late that I will now tell you about. I want to be as transparent as possible with you on where we are at with everything. After much deliberation we decided not to use the manufacturer we had been working with through out development of the Splitter. We were given some misinformation about their capabilities and just before tooling was created we were informed by the manufacturer that they weren't able to work with the hardness of titanium we needed the Splitter to be made from. Luckily, early on, we decided not to put all our eggs in one basket and were also talking with another manufacturer who specializes only in titanium manufacturing just in case as a backup plan. Well, this turned out to be a good idea, as we indeed have had to switch manufacturers. 

So, where we at now? Tooling is currently being made by our new manufacturer, who has the capabilities in place to make the Splitter as we originally specified. So this is good news as the Splitter will be just as we designed it. However this means we have been set back a bit in terms of time lines. We are expecting this will push everything back around about a month on the original timeline we had hoped to achieve. Ah, product manufacturing, it is never a silky smooth process!

In terms of sending out the surveys, I am going to do this a bit further down the track. This is because people sometimes move and we want to wait until closer towards the fulfillment date so people's information doesn't change.

On a personal note, I was dumb enough to go and break my elbow a couple of weeks ago mucking about on a skateboard (slightly embarrassing to tell people as a 35 year old) so I typing this message solely with my left hand, which it turns out isn't the quickest :) 

I will be in touch again as the project progresses.



November 29, 2018 — Mark Windsor