Hi Guys and Girls,

I know it's been too long since the last update, but I have been waiting until I had more concrete information to pass along. The new 3 stage tooling for Magware is now complete and our manufacturer has been testing and fine tuning it for the last 2 weeks. They have got to a point where they are now happy with the samples coming off the tooling and are currently in the process of finishing a small first off tooling sample production run. The production samples are currently going through all the finishing processes. They have already been deburred, polished and sandblasted and are currently in the process of being hard anodized. Once anodizing is complete they will have the magnets injection moulded into position. They will then go through a series of quality control tests and then be sent to me here to perform my own tests to make sure they are 100% up to the standards we require. As soon as I am happy, I will then sign off the golden samples and full scale production will begin. I am hoping this will am happen relatively quickly as we are all feeling the pressure (and along with it a fair amount of stress) from all the delays we have experienced getting things sorted out to move forward.

The reason for the delay in sending this update out was because I was hoping to be able to share photos of the production samples with you, but as mentioned these are still being finished and are not quite ready yet. I am hoping to give you a follow up update fairly soon with images of the samples.

Also just to let you know, we have got all our ducks in row with all the other parts of the project that weren't reliant on the sheet metal supply.  Below is a image of the finished packaging.



Sorry again for the radio silence, I have been trying to get everything sorted as quickly as possible, and am working hard behind the scenes I can assure you.  I hope everyone is keeping their spirits up in these trying times and I hope to be in touch again soon with more good news.



June 29, 2020 — Mark Windsor